Sunday, February 7, 2010


What am I, after all? Who am I? A mere creature. Yes, a creature made of day and molded skillfully by the powerful hands of Him Whom we call Father. He made me just like that, and for what purpose? To suffer from temptations here below? Am I really important ? What am I in this world for? To eat, play, drink, and study.. Why do I have to study?  To gain knowledge and be superior to all other things/beings of Earth? Or do I study merely because of pride so that I may not be counted among the ignorant? Why do we have to suffer the pains of the damned? Why was I born? Why does the baby have to leave its mother's womb when it is far more secure in there than here? There you're kept warm and don't bother about clothing, feed, and shelter. Lastly, why do mothers have to suffer just so we can be brought out into this world? They love us and yet very often we fight them when we are grown up. I don't think that is right. One should never give one's parents cause for worry. 

God created us in order to be happy with Him after death. Why must we die before we can see God and be happy?...

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