Monday, March 29, 2010
we shall return
This is our last observation (in classroom) but we have to come back for further information in our worksheets.
And today is the schedule of the NAT examination of the graduating class.Unfortunately, we failed to observe (in the classroom). Afraid that we might disturb the students' concentration/focus. But luckily the good principal, called us and signed our DTR sheets and told us to comeback the other day. That's why we went home early and did our school requirements.
I planned to come back there during my free time for the interview of the school personel.
Have a nice day!
here we go again
This is the second visit to Pansol Elemtary School and as what we usually do, we attended the flag ceremony in the school. We logged in at the Principal's record book before we move on to our assigned cooperating teacher. Ms. Noel welcomed me and let me in. She was organizing the shelves of books and magazine racks and gladly to see that her students were helping her. Meanwhile, she had a phone call and left (the students and me) who were then finishing the underdone work. A minute after we all rest and swept the floor dusts.
Then, Ms. Noel wrote sample questions (from SDQ) on the board and discussed it to her class. who were then writing on. THen after that, she asked me to continue the few questions and handle the class because she has some papers to work in the principal's office. So I continued writing the questions, after that, I taught the class some educational songs, activities and some oral reading of the questions on the board. Just as Ms. Noel retured. Then she explained to her class the significance of their review for the preparation of the National Achievement Test. At 10:30 am, the class had their break and at 11:45, they dismissed and Ms. Noel signed my DTR.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
morning dew
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Valentine's Dilemma

YOU MEET SOMEONE from the opposite sex for the very first time. He stares directly into your eyes. He flashes his most captivating smile, and you are fascinated. Before you know it, your heart starts to beat fast and you tell yourself, "I'm in love.. Oh, it must be love at firs sight!"
Love at first sight? Is it real love.. or not?
Many of our wrong ideas concerning love come from popular love songs often heard over the radio. One song goes: "Love comes from the most unexpected places. When someone's eyes you never met who wants to get to know you. someone's smile you can't forget and if the music plays on in your mind, that's love..."
Often times, song writers write songs about love. But are they talking about real love or are they just talking about infatuation? Romantic feelings can be stirred quickly but such feelings may not be real love, for real love can't be all emotions.
We may be attracted to a person at first sight, our hearts may ski a few beats, but that may not necessarily be real love. There may not even be such a thing as "Love at first sight."
For one thing, it seems impossible to fall in love with someone at first sight. We don't fall into real love - real love grows. It develops. We have to know a person before we can love him with real love. Real love starts slowly. Usually it starts in friendship and it grows. Until one day, we discover another element in the friendship - the element of romantic love. We will soon realize that our heats have grown and beat together.
Real love grows with them. For this reason, we can say that time can best determine if a romance has grown into real love. Real love will wait for the right time and the right circumstances.
Sure, there is the thrilling element of physical attraction but it is only one of the many things about the person that interests us. In real love, our interest grows. But this interest is in the totality of the one we love. In real love, many or most of the qualities of the other person attracts us. Love at first sight? Is it real? It may not be! It may just be a myth - a make believe story.
To My Father

He is considered great because he possesses a virtue which even some great men lack. He is the kind of man who deserves our admirations. A severe blow to his pride does not embitter him; he falls only to rise again.
He may be ridiculed, but he is not disheartened because he knows that he has succeeded not in trying to achieve something, but in his relentless struggle with himself to overcome the blight on his soul- his pride...
Contentment is Joy

"A wise man is contented with his lot, whatever it be without wishing for what he has not."
"Aim at perfection in everything though in most things it is unattainable. However, they who aim at it, and persevere, will come much nearer to it than those whose laziness and despondency make them give up as unattainable."

God created us in order to be happy with Him after death. Why must we die before we can see God and be happy?...